Zenith No Risk over the years it has created its own company recognized at regional and national level and enhanced by the certifications obtained with numerous bodies in the field of fire prevention and safety.

Certification of its work process in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standards
RINA certified quality system n. 25810/12 / S
Certification of its quality management system in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standards
CERTIQUALITY certified quality system n. 3791
Enrollment in the Register of Environmental Managers N ° VE / 019507 of the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea, pursuant to art. 212 paragraph 8 of Legislative Decree 152/06 - art.2 paragraph 30 of Legislative Decree 04-08.
Check the registration from the site www.albonazionalegestoriambientali.it
Member of the first network of firefighting companies in Italy, Gold universe
Certification DPR43 / 2012 F-GAS
GO Certification - Guarantee of Origin which certifies the origin of 100% of the electricity consumed from renewable sources
Zenith No Risk operates through a certified system, with specialized and qualified personnel .
Here are some certifications obtained by our collaborators.

Certification of professional fire extinguishers in accordance with UNI 9994-2: 2015.
Released by ICIM , accredited ACCREDIA institute - ass. HUMAN-CONFINDUSTRIA
Certification Professional figures hydrant networks in accordance with UNI IEC 17024
Released by ICIM , accredited ACCREDIA institute - ass. HUMAN-CONFINDUSTRIA
Certification Professional figures for fire doors in compliance with UNI 11473-3: 2014 STANDARD
Released by ICIM , accredited ACCREDIA institute - ass. HUMAN-CONFINDUSTRIA
Training and certification for the professional figure who works on fixed fire protection systems and fire extinguishers containing certain fluorinated greenhouse gases .
Released by ICIM , accredited ACCREDIA institute - ass. HUMAN-CONFINDUSTRIA
Training course for maintenance technicians Components of Natural Smoke and Heat Evacuation Systems
Issued by ZENITAL , the National Association of natural lighting and ventilation systems, smoke and heat control systems.
Training course for maintenance technicians for Fire- fighting Pumping Stations, according to the UNI EN 12845 and UN1779 standards .
Issued by the National Fire Brigade and the FISA Association .